The best mask ever? Biologique Recherche Masque Vivant

Masks, masks, masks and more masks. I love masks. Not just because they can make such a difference for your skin, but (mainly - I'm not going to lie) because of the spa/spoil yourself/pampering at home factor. My favorite Sunday night ritual is to watch some silly tv show (the Bachelor anyone?), while sipping tea with a face mask on.

One of my favorites is the Biologique Recherche Masque Vivant. In terms of results, it is imho the best and that takes into account its horrible smell... so that says something about the benefits!

First, something about Biologique Recherche as a brand: it has a cult following among beauty bloggers and Hollywood stars alike but (and that is a big but) the products are notoriously difficult to come by: there is a handful of US based estheticians that sell them online (including my favorite spa Aida Bicaj) and outlets are thinly spread across the globe. In addition, you usually cannot just walk in a store and purchase a product (exceptions: Rescue Spa in NYC and Philadelphia and Liberty in London): you need an actual esthetician to explain the routine and to analyze your face and often, that will require a spa appointment.

There is a reason for all this mystery and exclusivity: even as a beauty afficionado (if I may call myself that), the product range is quite difficult to handle and if you're not familiar with the various products, it will be near impossible to select those appropriate for you.

That being said, my experience is that most Biologique Recherche trained estheticians will typically recommend you the same "star products" of the range, including a version of the famed P50 toner, but also the Masque Vivant.

Masque Vivant can be used by all skin types, believe it or not! This is because it is first and foremost a purifying mask and let's face it, most people's skin is in need of cleansing. Depending on how sensive or dry/dehydrated your skin is, the mask can be used differently: for example with a pinch of baking soda if you have oily, acne prone skin (yours truly), as this helps with decongesting. For very sensitive skin, the mask can be mixed with another, more soothing cream mask.

Biologique Recherche lists as main ingredients yeast, cucumber and witch hazel, which probably explains the smell (kind of like Marmite!). I am not exaggerating when I say that the smell is almost unbearable, especially when you start using this. Most BR estheticians recommend to use this 3 times a week, if not more, so you do get used to the smell... but that is probably the most encouraging thing I have to say on this topic. After about a year, I still cringe when opening the tube and when applying, I try to avoid my nose area.

However, and as you've probably gathered from this post, in spite of the smell, I love it. When I use the mask regularly, it literally fixes my skin. Impurities disappear more easily, fewer blackheads appear and, perhaps most importantly, it doesn't dry out my skin (as I find most purifying masks do). I swear my skintone is more even in the mornings. Applying this mask only from time to time is not efficient however: this product is, like most BR products, something you need to use diligently.

So yes, it is definitely a hassle to apply (what with the smell and the baking soda mixing and all), and you need to be committed, but I defintely call this a staple!

Do you mask regularly? And have you ever tried anything form the Biologique Recherche range?

You can always trust me to give you an honest opinion and to tell you when a post was sponsored. This one wasn't and all of the products mentioned were purchased by me (for the love of skincare...).


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